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Advanced Anti Money Laundering 

Price: €350




Self study


Approx. 16 hours to complete


12 CPD hours


Certificate of attendance

Introduction to the class

This course build upon the Intermediate level AML class and is for AML professionals that have a bit of time and sophistication with money laundering. By the end of the course, participants will be able to clearly spot, understand, investigate and discuss some of the more advanced money laundering schemes .

Who should attend?

  • AML Officers 

  • Bank Officials 

  • Securities Broker-Dealers 

  • Money Services Business Officials 

  • Insurance Professionals 

  • Attorneys/Barristers in Corporate Work and Litigation 

  • Law Enforcement Agents, Supervisors, Analysts 

  • Government Regulators 

  • Anti-Money Laundering Consultants 

  • Credit, Debit and Stored Value Card Company Officials 

  • Solicitors and Certified Public Accountants 

  • Mutual Fund Professionals 

  • Intelligence Officers 

  • Investment Advisors 

  • Real Estate Brokers 

  • Officials of High-Worth Non-Financial Businesses (e.g. Gold Traders, Jewelers,

This course includes:

  • 16 hours of self study including articles and presentations

  • Full lifetime access to learning material

  • Certificate of attendance

How it works?

Workshops take place on Hapeiron, an Interfima e-learning platform.

  1. Enroll to the class from this page

  2. After enrollment you'll receive a registration link to access the platform 

  3. Complete all learning material

  4. Get your certificate of attendance

Do you want this class in-house?

We can deliver this class in-house for your organization's employees.

CPD Recognition

The syllabus of this workshop is eligible for 12 CPD hours in Compliance & AML.
riteria and CPD hours are verified directly by your association, regulator or other bodies which you hold certification or membership.

What you will learn

Introduction:  Understanding the Laws and their origin – In General

  • Know the origin of the problems that were to be addressed

  • Origin of the updates to the systems of AML Laws

  • The role of international bodies in AML – Laws and Regulation

  • Current events and the impacts of those events on law and perception

  • Current cross boarder tensions

  • Impacts of FATCA and GIIN Number

  • Impacts of beneficial ownership identification requirements

What we are used to seeing

  • Look at what was a common money laundering practice and see how the practice has evolved overtime.  The idea is not new but the means are changing.

  • Τhe overriding importance of really knowing your client.

  • Discuss the different structures and agreements used in papering over money laundering to make the movement of money seem legit. TBML is by far the most common and effective.

  • Understand which of your clients are required, as custodians and / or with discretional authority of 3rd party funds, must be AML compliant.

  • IVTS - Hawala, Hundis, Fei Chien – prohibited by possible.

New Schemes

  • Cash Money Laundering – its still around and killing the €500 note will not help.

  • Cash and the pass of the briefcase in Kenya

  • The use of shipping companies to lauder money.

  • Τrade based money laundering

  • Crowd Funding for money Laundering

  • Securities Private Placements for Money Laundering

  • Mirror Trading

  • The use of custodians for money laundering

  • How Law firms are used to lauder money

  • Real Estate used for laundering money

  • The use of Art and Antiquities

  • The use of Warehouse receipts

  • The use of Intangible Assets

  • The use of Merger & Acquisitions

  • The use of Parallel Companies

  • Mirror Trading 

  • The use of faux gifts, awards, directorships and scholarships

  • Cash is not always wrong – wires and checks are not always good

Red Flags

  • Understanding why screwed up White Markets make for profitable Black Markets

  • More moving parts then a Swiss watch

  • Circular logic and testing for economic sense

  • Bursts, sinks, paired, linked, outliers, perfect, and other transactions that bear a closer look

  • Perfect paperwork

  • Posh surrounding and de-linked control

  • A rush to the end and intimidation

  • Hints at Corruption

  • Political Exposed Persons and Corporately Exposed Persons 

Getting it Right

  • Discuss impacts of trading blocks

  • Know FinTech – and its impact on our todays and tomorrows

  • See Conflict Commodities

  • Forecast capital flight events

  • Know the real impact of virtual currencies

  • Meet the entrepreneurs from nowhere and everywhere

  • Understand why simple clean compliance is a competitive advantage 

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